Thursday, August 27, 2009

August Already!

Dad and McKinley at the beach!

We all had dinner at the Club for Pop's Birthday! Happy Birthday Great-Grandpa!! From your "big boy" Great-Grandson, McKinley!

Grandma and Grandson

Yes, that mummy is Rick... in his "MoleSafe" outfit. He sure is playing it safe!

In the beginning of August, Rick and Mom came for a visit!

Grandma Ozzie and Pop rented a room for the week at the Club and as always we took full advantage of having a place on the beach.
Jon and I stayed there one night while Mom and Rick watched McKinley for us for the whole night! It was nice to get a night to go out and have fun! Also, it was great to wake up at the beach and sleep through the entire night! McKinley joined us bright and early! =)
We had such a great time and spent it enjoying the ocean during low tide and the sound at high tide. We wished the weekend would never end but, there will be many more to come!