Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Steps!

A huge event is taking place this month of March... McKinley is starting to walk! He went from 2 steps... to 5 steps.... to 10 steps.... to A LOT of steps!! He just took off! Now, he prefers walking to crawling in just 2 weeks! It's amazing how big he is getting! He likes to hold his arms out in front of him like in this picture, he looks like a zombie! I think its for balance :) I can't wait until everyone gets to see him walking!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mel's Bachelorette Party!

A Gorgeous Group:
Robin, Jen, Faye, Melody (the Beautiful Bride To Be), Dana, Ashley, and Lisa

At Yo Sake for Sushi and cocktails.

Our Friends, Melody and Joe are getting married! To celebrate Mel's last single days, her Bridesmaids threw her a rockin' Bachelorette Party. No details will be discussed but, I will say, we all had a blast! Now, I am really looking forward to the wedding! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Puddin' Time!

I heart chocolate pudding.

Mother's Park

What is this???

No swinging without my Apple Juice!


Here is a good view of the park; small, but perfect for us!

One Sunday in March, we decided to walk to the park in our neighborhood. It is named Mother's Park and it is the cutest little park with swings and a playground. We are so lucky that it is only a few houses away from our new place (those pics to come!). It was definitely one of the reasons we moved where we did. It is just perfect for McKinley and we have already gone and enjoyed the park numerous times. It's hard not to with a happy face like his! Just don't forget the Apple juice!

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Late Winter Walk

New Stroller! Grandma visting! Fresh air! Does it get any better???!!!

Piano with Pop

As banging anything is one of my favorite past times, I really enjoy helping Pop play with his Piano. Not only do I make very loud noises but, everyone claps for me!


Packing, Moving, and now Unpacking have consumed our lives for the past few weeks. Here is a great picture of McKinley "helping" Mommy pack up a box. Although McKinley was a huge packing helper, a very special thanks goes out to our Friends Melody and Joe who helped haul boxes! And Cousin Will who helped with the furniture! THANK YOU! :)