Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Srawberry Pickin'

Our Second Annual Strawberry Picking Trip

Before --- Clean as a whistle in a white shirt

During --- Picking and immediately eating straberries while Dad looks for the perfect ones

After --- Strawberry milkshake and ice cream

Life does not get any better

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Easter 2011

Our first time dying Easter eggs!! What a beautiful mess we made!

McKinley needed to explanations as we shot off to finding Easter eggs. We did have to tell him to use the basket though!

Everyone got in on the fun this Easter season!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

McKinley's 2nd Birthday!

Thank you for everyone who made McKinley's 2nd birthday amazing! Words can't express the love and gratitude we have for all our family and friends! Our baby is 2!!