Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Srawberry Pickin'

Our Second Annual Strawberry Picking Trip

Before --- Clean as a whistle in a white shirt

During --- Picking and immediately eating straberries while Dad looks for the perfect ones

After --- Strawberry milkshake and ice cream

Life does not get any better

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Easter 2011

Our first time dying Easter eggs!! What a beautiful mess we made!

McKinley needed to explanations as we shot off to finding Easter eggs. We did have to tell him to use the basket though!

Everyone got in on the fun this Easter season!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

McKinley's 2nd Birthday!

Thank you for everyone who made McKinley's 2nd birthday amazing! Words can't express the love and gratitude we have for all our family and friends! Our baby is 2!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Will!

April is full of special birthdays! We started off the birthday season by celebrating Will's special day! Happy birthday to an amazing guy, thanks for all you do! We love you!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A March Visit

Mom and Rick came for a visit in March! A break from the Jersey Winter, for some Wilmington Spring!

Will, Christina, and the exponentially growing Chance

McKinley needed a break from all the excitement!

Our favorite thing to do -- lounge in the sun on a blanket!

A rare picture of Pop!

Ok, so I know, I am behind on my blogging. A March visit, posted in April, it is sad. And I'm sorry. Time to catch up! Hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed the visit!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Big Slide!

We love the park... And we are getting courageous... Maybe we will try the big boy swing soon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Puppy Love

They gave him a chance....

...And Chance stole their hearts.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Walk in the Park

Time to explore the park!

Sweet boy!

Mommy and McKinley

The first weekend with spring temperatures came to Wilmington the tail end of February. To celebrate, we spent a lot of time outside and took a walk through Hugh MacRae park, stopping to watch the ducks. Our friend, Melody, camera in hand, joined us for our adventure! We had so much fun enjoying the day and... what great pictures!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Every Saturday, from 9 to 10am, Mommy and I have a date... to go to 'Nastics!

After roll call, the first thing we do is dance and hop on the "hoppers." And then the group gets into an circle and does stretches, I occasionally join them for this but, normally I am running around the gym playing on things.

The "circuit" is next, where there is a series of mats for different tumbles, bars to hang from, and other fun things set up in a circle.

This long trampoline is one of my favorite things in the whole gym! I run up and down it and fall down, get up and do it again!!

Here is another trampoline that is made especially for jumping on.

Here I am waiting my turn! I clap and say 'Yay' for everyone as they have their turns!

Mommy and me in my other favorite thing -- The foam block pit!!

I love the block pit!

At the end of the class, we get stamps on our hands, and I am always ready for some juice!