Sunday, February 20, 2011


Every Saturday, from 9 to 10am, Mommy and I have a date... to go to 'Nastics!

After roll call, the first thing we do is dance and hop on the "hoppers." And then the group gets into an circle and does stretches, I occasionally join them for this but, normally I am running around the gym playing on things.

The "circuit" is next, where there is a series of mats for different tumbles, bars to hang from, and other fun things set up in a circle.

This long trampoline is one of my favorite things in the whole gym! I run up and down it and fall down, get up and do it again!!

Here is another trampoline that is made especially for jumping on.

Here I am waiting my turn! I clap and say 'Yay' for everyone as they have their turns!

Mommy and me in my other favorite thing -- The foam block pit!!

I love the block pit!

At the end of the class, we get stamps on our hands, and I am always ready for some juice!

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